Our family has a gym membership at a nearby fitness center and we all workout multiple times per week. Why should we spend more money on a trainer?
If your goal is to live, move, and perform better – then you must ensure you are working out in ways that are going to help you reach your goals. Unfortunately, not all training is created equally. Even a good thing done wrong can be bad for you. A trainer will ensure you are doing the correct exercises, at the correct time, with the correct form. A trainer will also help you stay motivated, keep you accountable, and make sure you never “just go through the motions”.
But our gym offers personal training as well. Why should we choose River City Sports Performance?
We believe in getting more bang for you buck. You shouldn't have to pay a membership fee AND pay on top of that for some guidance and direction. Here you don't pay just to have access to the gym-- you pay for purposeful training. It's that simple.
Our son/daughter is a year-round athlete. Isn't playing the sport the most "functional" way to train?
Unfortunately, it is not. Simply playing the sport leads to athletes developing muscular imbalances which increase injury risk. Also, sports that include a high volume of running can lead to muscle tissue loss. When muscle mass decreases so does the athlete's power and speed. The goal of sport-specific training is to fix faulty movement patterns, create muscular balance, and increase power/speed. When all of this is done the athlete can more safely and effectively participate in their sport.
My son/daughter just needs a few sessions to give them direction. Can you write them a workout that they can do on their own time?
We DO NOT write workouts for people to do on their own. Even a good thing done wrong can be bad for you and produce unwanted results. We believe these exercises should be done under the supervision of a qualified trainer. Also, we want to ensure results for our clients and results come from following a consistent program that is modified and altered as needed. This cannot be done when the client is working out unsupervised.
You are a sport performance facility, but you offer Adult Training Programs. If I am not an athlete, should I be training with you?
Absolutely! Each program we offer is designed for a specific purpose. Our adult training programs are tailored for more general fitness development while still emphasizing important things like joint mobility/stability, core strength, movement quality, and strength development. These things help athletes with sport performance while helping everyone else live, move, and perform better...in their everyday life!