New Year, New Format at RCSP!

The New Year is a chance to make changes in your life that you think are important.  For many people improving their health and fitness is a major priority as they move into the coming year.

At River City Sports Performance we want to support that goal by taking this opportunity to improve our format so that we can better serve the members of the community.

Our new format will be effective beginning Jan 9th, 2012:

1) Set Hours of Operation:  We will now have set hours of operation.  This will eliminate the need to set an appointment time.  Instead, drop-in at your convenience and get your workout done when it works for you.  You can locate our Hours of Operation over on the right sidebar ------------------>

2) Simplified Pricing:  Choose how many days per week you want to workout and the duration of your training program.  Then pay monthly training fee.  Simple as that!  (This is NOT a membership fee.  Fees are for semi-private personal training.  Compare our training fees to other Personal Training rates.)

3)  Adult Programs and Athletes Programs:  How do you know what program is best for you?  If your goals are general fitness and health then our Adult program is just what you are looking for.  If you want that extra sport-specific work (Speed, Agility, Quickness, etc..) then you are the perfect candidate for our Athlete Program. 

For more information about our new format and our training program CLICK HERE.....